Tuesday 9 April 2013

Choice, can be a big .......

In the world today, we see so many young people still single and we start to wonder if and when they will get married. In our society marriage is termed as the altimate thing for a young woman, but we fail to come to terms with a fact that not every one is meant to marry. This is a hard fact that many people fail to admit. Some people are not tolerant and believe in having their own space so marriage to them is a NO NO....Some want it so bad that they end up marrying for wrong reasons, and so on.For some others they just go into for the sake of their family, to avoid them stressing them but one thing i ask my self still is, ARE WE ALL MEANT TO MARRY....for some others these are a list of what bothers them when the issue of relationship and marriage comes up, relationships, when do you let go, how do u know the right one, how can you be sure,what is the right age,does age difference really matter, will he/she be accepted by my family and friends,religious background and finally the issue of money...these are a few of the things many people battle with. So at the end of the day i ask myself and you all out there, what can one do, because this is one thing that i know has been on my mind for a while and will love to hear what you all have to say also......the question now is.....DOES IT TAKE A GENIUS TO MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE??????


  1. U have to be divinely connected, disciplined and true to urself to even know d rite choice...

    1. i understand what you are saying but even in the church we have cases of the pastor's wife having extra marital affairs too, so divine or not we are all human or will you say the pastor was not spirit led to pick his wife?, the truth remains, there is no clear cut formular for choosing your partner...so my question still remains....What Is The Solution
