Wednesday 8 January 2014

Coping with emotions especially in pregnant women

Everyone will quite agree that this is a stunning figure with curves in the right places but once pregnancy comes in which is a time of joy for married couples and parents alike but we are quick to forget that there are emotional issues that accompany it. 
For a woman, pregnancy comes with physical changes that comes with hormonal shifts that may result in mood swings.
According to psychologists, our feelings towards pregnancy arise from our thoughts and beliefs about pregnancy, birth and motherhood. Therefore, acknowledging our feelings is a good starting point to deal with our thoughts ideas about pregnancy.

1. Physical change: there is an inevitable change in dress sizes and that is one of the first things that affect women. (self consciousness) After all that time spent looking good and staying trimmed and thanks to pregnancy you are now a plus size woman. The best way to cope with this first change is understanding why and how this changes occur and what stages these changes occur and most especially Celebrate your new shape and the spouse plays a vital role in this also by encouraging and been an understanding man because women will definitely make you have double thoughts if you guys understand (wink)
2. Re-evaluation of self: During pregnancy, an average woman goes through that phase of  self evaluation, your personality and most especially identity crisis. A pregnant woman redefines who she is and what her priorities are
3. Insecurity issues: This is one of the biggest problems pregnant women face, they always have that fear that their partner is repulsed by their swollen body parts and almost always feel their men have others girl friends. This is where the man comes in to re-assure them and make them feel like the queen they are. 
This is just a tip of the iceberg for we are yet to deal with more issues associated with pregnancy and its emotions. 
Next publication will throw more light on other issues like irritation and a host of others especially the role of a man in helping her feel good about her body

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